El Sibaïe

OCaml Dev @ Nomadic Labs

Who am I

I'm Rémy El Sibaïe, a Software Engineer working at Nomadic Labs, in the Umami Wallet team as senior developper. Previously, I worked as a Software Engineer at Besport during almost three years. In general, I'm an Ocaml programmer and enjoy it for all its wonderful features.


I have a master's degree in programmation and algorithmics from Sorbonne Universités, (Previously UPMC, Paris 6) and a PhD in computer science. I did my PhD thesis at LIP6. My advisor was Emmanuel Chailloux, professor at Sorbonne Université. The subject was Programmation Web Réactive dans un cadre typé statiquement pour l'orchestration de contenus mutltimédia riches (Reactive Web programming in a static typing context for orchestration of rich multimedia content).

The goal of my PhD thesis was to propose languages and tools to create interactive and rich web applications driven by the reactive and synchronous paradigm. My master's degree internship focused on the same subject. My work was a part of the Ubiquitous Content Framework (UCF) project.

Papers and talks

